About Me

Welcome to Dilworth STEM Collaboartive, a site for teachers. We hope this professional site will be a resouce for teachers to share ideas and gain new information.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Staff Lounge

If you are needing supplies for your class this is the place to go!!!
-vis-a-vis    -pens  -markers  -scissors
-tape    -paper clips   -staples
-highlighters   -dry erase markers
-index cards   -post-it notes
-erasers for whiteboards

Other items in the lounge:
-chart paper   -construction paper  -lined paper   -graph paper

For these items please see Lorna:
-pencils  -staplers   -tape dispensers  -ink  
and any other "big" items

Thanks Dena for organizing the lounge for us!!!

Monday, January 10, 2011

ACEing Constructed Responses

What is a Constructed Response? Kristi Pettengill of the Northern Nevada Writing Project explains: "C.R. is, quite simply, a written response to a question. In Nevada, students are asked to 'construct' answers to questions on our Reading, Math, and Science Criterion Referenced Tests.

Currently our Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies departments are working on Constructed Response practice in their classes. This is not just a process that students will need to know for CRTs, but is a great skill to have when writing a response to anything they have learned. Below are links to packets that you will find useful for your lessons. Most of the work has been done for you, and that is the best part!

Packets contain:
- Explanations for what ACE stands for
- Multiple Rubrics for students to use on themselves and/or peers
- Check lists for students to use on themselves and/or peers
- Various Answer Sheets

ACE Math Packet

ACE Language Arts Packet

ACE Science Packet- can be use for Social Studies as well