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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

SIOP Refresher-Lesson Preparation

"As we all know, lesson planning is critical to both a student's and teacher's success. For maximum learing to occur, planning must produce lessons that enable students to make connections between their own knowledge and expierences and the new information being taught. With carfeul planning, we make learning meaningful and relevant by including appropriate motivating materials and activities that foster real-life application of concepts studied." (MCC pg. 23-24).

Key Things to Remember when Planning:
  • Objective(s) need to be standards based and promote academic language development. For example, "I can calculate slope and midpoint by solving sample problems in my notebook." 4.8.5 (Content Objective) "I can describe how I found the slope and midpoint of an equation by listing the steps I took and sharing those steps with a partner." (Language Objective)
  • Differentiating your instruction allows you to meet the students' needs and scaffold them up to the desired level of content.
  • Supplemental materials may vary from class to class and manipulatives provide concrete examples of the content.
  • The more time students are able to practice the desired skill, the more likely the student will be able to generalize it.